Revelation In Wisdom

Good Monday Morning and Happy Memorial Day to all.  Let’s remember and honor all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country free.  Let’s do our part to make sure it stays free in honor of their lives! Revelation In Wisdom : In Proverbs we are told that getting Wisdom is the principal …

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Quitting Is Not An Option!

Hi friends.  It’s Monday morning, and God has a good word for you this week.  He knows what it’s like to be under pressure, or to face intense opposition.  Jesus understands what it’s like to be you.  He endured much pressure and opposition in His ministry time here on earth, and He overcame every fiery …

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God’s Benefits For You!

Greetings friends.  It’s another Monday morning, another week to invite the Holy Spirit into everything we do, to have another adventure in Him! I love the Bible.  I love reading the Word of God.  There is nothing else like it anywhere or anything else that has ever been written.  I was reading Psalm 103 this …

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You Are Chosen By God!

Good morning, friends, it’s Monday morning again!  Praise the Lord! Have you ever given thought to the fact that God chose you before time began?  I have just recently been thinking about this from a book I’m reading.  I’m not talking about pre-destination as in, we didn’t have a choice, just the opposite.  Your Father, …

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