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Monday Morning Messages

The Garden Of Your Life

A joyful good morning to all my Monday Morning Ministry friends!  As I was thinking about what to write for this Monday, I had a prompting  to remind us that if we don’t like what we are harvesting, that we can change what we are planting.  Isn’t that good news?  We don’t have to rely

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Monday Morning Messages

You Are Quickened By The Spirit

Good Monday morning friends.  Today, we are going to look at several verses that will bless you and will renew your mind to the “Life” you and I already possess.  Let’s get a good foundation laid so we can build on this be strong in what we believe.  We are going to look at the

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Monday Morning Messages

Establishing Beliefs In Your Heart, Righteousness -Part 2

Happy Monday morning everyone, Last week, we looked at establishing our heart in Forgiveness.  Now that Jesus has died, and rose again, forgiveness has not only taken place, but that one act of obedience has also made us the very righteousness of God in Christ.   Why do we  need Righteousness?  –  The need for righteousness

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Monday Morning Messages

Establishing Beliefs In Your Heart, Forgiveness -Part 1

Have you ever thought about what and why you believe what you believe?  That’s quite a question, isn’t it? Today’s devotional we are talking about establishing beliefs in our hearts.  Do you know why you believe what you believe?  Have you even asked yourself that question?  Where did these beliefs come from?  How did I

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