Rich Revelation of Spiritual Insight

Good Monday morning friends.  I am so glad you stopped by to read this morning’s message.   Today, we’ll look at “spiritual insight”.  As we see in our first verse, Philippians 1:9  Paul is praying for this group of people that he loved so much because they supported him in every part of his ministry when no one else did.  

This is for us today also, that our love would grow and increase beyond measure.  Wow, what a prayer!  But Paul said that as they grew in love it would bring them (and it will bring you) into this “rich revelation of spiritual insight” for our lives

Philippians 1:9 (TPT)

I continue to pray for your love to grow and increase beyond measure, bringing you into the rich revelation of spiritual insight in all things.

Spiritual insight is a word that implies walking out the truth, (a certainty) that insight reveals, or experiencing the reality of something and applying to life. 

This goes along with Prov. 4:23.  The Lord tells us above everything guard our hearts, because what comes from there affects everything in our life.  This is where spiritual insight comes from.  God is a Spirit, and He speaks “spirit to spirit” to us and with us. 

He tells us that it is in our innermost being  where love grows and increases and brings us int revelation and spiritual insight and from there flows this wellspring of life that He has given us.

Proverbs 4:23

So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.

In this scripture God uses the phrase “the issues of life”, “wellspring of life”, and  in some translations “the seasons of life, especially springtime”.   It is our hearts not our ages or circumstances that shape the seasons of our lives.  If our hearts are tender to God, we can live in a perpetual springtime in our hearts.  Can you see why we need to guard (keep, protect, and maintain) our hearts from the effects of this world and our own fleshly reactions to it.   

Perpetual Springtime – means we are always growing, increasing, fresh and green, alive, and fruitful. 

Let’s end with this powerful prayer and declaration:

Philippians 1:6 (TPT)

I pray with great faith for you , because I’m fully convinced that the One who began this gracious work in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Remember, you are Loved, you are Righteous, and you are His!

7 thoughts on “ Rich Revelation of Spiritual Insight”

  1. Yes and yes. I think of you often and how you would have made different decisions about the nerve issue had you known what you know now. It had helped me to stop and think more than once when an issue of pain arises. thank you Colleen and David for your willingness to give us your wisdom from your path. Amen.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this article. I appreciated your efforts. I needed this so much! Thank you once again. Dolores Guerra from Humble, Texas! ❤️

  3. Thank you dear sister Colleen. What a marvelous teacher you are and I learn so much from you ❤️

    • Me too , I just love her very gracious and loving heart . Colleen is so anointed , such a Blessing to the body of Christ . Hilary N .Ireland ❤️🙏


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