An Expectation Of Good!

Peace to you this Monday morning! Are you expecting a week of peace, or something else?  The title of this week’s message is about expectation.  I want us to open the bible to see all the “good” that God desires for us.  I want to start out with a very familiar scripture, but if you’ll …

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You Have Life

Greetings to you all this beautiful Monday morning!  Today, I want to remind us that we have life, and not just human life, but a life that is everlasting that affects every part of our being.  Did you know we can have 2 different outcomes in this life we live on earth? God is such …

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The Garden Of Your Life

A joyful good morning to all my Monday Morning Ministry friends!  As I was thinking about what to write for this Monday, I had a prompting  to remind us that if we don’t like what we are harvesting, that we can change what we are planting.  Isn’t that good news?  We don’t have to rely …

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This is an amazing truth, that  The Greater One lives in you!   You Have His Supernatural Life In You. Everything He is, is in you.  I love the verse in 1 John.    1 John 4:4You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. Because the Greater One is in …

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