Releasing What You Already Have Through Christ

Good Monday Morning Friends.  We are going to talk about something that I have been asked about many times because I think it can be misunderstood.  What does it mean to release the “power of God” into our lives?  How do you release any of God’s promises into your life, like healing, financial blessing, peace, joy, love the source these into our lives that affects our bodies? 

First, we first need to know the Source who is God, second, we need to know what is in the Source, third, what is in God that is in us?   

So, let’s get started with a few questions –

  • When you turn on a faucet, what happens?  You release the water that is already in the pipes.  [You produce water]
  • When you flip a light switch, what happens? The light that is already there in the electrical lines comes on.  [You produce light]
  • When you put your key into the ignition, or push the ignition button, what happens?  You release the power in the engine that was already there to start the car and to drive it.  [You produce engine power]

In all these examples, there was a “source”, (water, light, power) that was already present to produce what could not be seen into something that can be seen and felt. There was a “Source” greater inside (turn on the faucet), (switch the light), (put in the key)they all produced according to their source.  

  1. Our Believing releases what is in us:  Mark 11:24 – 24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.
  • Our words release what is in us:  Our words are formed by what our thoughts and imaginations are.   What are we thinking on, What are we imagining?  Whatever it is, will be released into your life through your words.  Proverbs 18:21. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit. 

Mark 11:23 – 23 For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says

Remember, our words come from thoughts:  Let’s ask ourselves, What have I been meditating on?  What have I been pondering? What have I been –  Contemplating, considering, evaluating and being preoccupied with in your mind and your self-talk?

  • We release the healing power of God in us with our hands:  We have anointed hands to release what the Source – God says we have.  Lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.  We don’t believe that because if we don’t see something happen instantly, we many times stop believing before the power got a chance to work.  Our words can stop the manifestation and our faith. 

Mark 16: 17-18 17 And these signs will follow those who [d]believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they[e] will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

I will leave you with these thoughts:

We have allowed our minds to wander and be unproductive.  We can use our minds the way God intended to direct our  mind to God’s Word and think about what you are thinking on and what you are saying.   Your self-talk is where the battle is won or lost. 

This is what helps me when I want to check on myself.  If I make the statement – “I know I’m healed, or I know I’m healed by the stripes of Jesus,” but I continue to worry or stress about what might happen as I walk out this truth, then I  need to keep meditating on this word and get my imagination working for me and not against me!  Perhaps this can help you too.    

Remember, you are Loved, you are Righteous, and you are His!

10 thoughts on “Releasing What You Already Have Through Christ”

  1. Wow! This is exactly what I am coming through. I have many physical issues and they are affecting me emotionally. I seem to dwell on them day and night. Thank you my dear sister for reminding me of who I am and what my God has already done for me. With Love, Colleen from Massachusetts

  2. Thank you! I need this truth constantly to help rewire and renew my mind to be focused soley on Christ and nothing else.

  3. So true. I struggle with my thoughts. I have to continually cast them down. My body is trying to control me and the Father keeps telling me to bring it under submission and walk in my authority even when I don’t see any improvement. It’s hard to not focus on the physical issues but I will keep trying.

  4. So true. It is so hard to not let our mind dwell on our physical issues. I have to constantly cast down wrong thoughts. But the Father keeps telling me to walk in my authority and not let my body control me. It’s hard when you don’t see any change but I will keep doing it. Thanks for another great message.

  5. We need to see ourselves like god sees us. Whole and healed. Sometimes it is difficult when symptoms are present but we need to cling to the word. Thank you.

  6. I have a question, I’m on medication that I’ve become dependant upon by accident, and makes my mind go to bad things along with my body that I didn’t have before until October, been fighting an infection for over two years and now that my brain is like this , I’m feeling worse, I pray and believe and trust in God, but even in my sleep it’s disturbing, I know lots of people in the same situation because of this medication and it’s awful because my spirit has always been alive and well, and I know in the Bible God heals even people with mental issues, so what to do if your mind isn’t balanced with what you believe as I’m not thinking clearly and pray every day that I’m healed, I believe and then my mind goes to thinking maybe not and that’s just not me and I’m constantly ruminating but constantly in the word as of now in bed, any help on this would be appreciated God bless and thank you!!!


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