Do You Really Know Who You Are?

Good Monday Morning everyone!  Have you ever felt like you were having an Identity Crisis?  If so, then today’s devotional is going to help you turn that into a breakthrough Identity! 

 Let’s start our week out thinking about who we really are “In Christ”!  Our Heavenly Father wants us to know exactly “who we are”, and “what we have in Him”. 

The blood of Jesus is spoken of throughout all the New Testament. When spoken of, it refers to Christ’s death as a means of securing salvation and of the establishment of the New Covenant between God and man.

  • Ephesians 2:13 – But now in Christ Jesus you who sometimes were afar off are made near by the blood of Christ. 

When a child is adopted, they gain a whole new identity.  When my husband was adopted, he was David C… living in another state in an orphanage with Nuns taking care of him.  Once all the papers were signed, he became David I., now living in another state.  Instantly, everything that was Mr. & Mrs. I’s became his.  He now became a son in the I’s family.  He was removed from one place/position to another.  

Well, God has done an even better thing for us; He has adopted us into His family.  Colossians 1:13 – Who has (past tense) delivered us from the power of darkness, and has (also, past tense) translated us into the kingdom of His Dear Son.  We have changed positions, and He did it according to the “good pleasure of His will”!  Think of that, God took pleasure in making you a son or daughter in His family!

  • Ephesians 1:5 – having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.
  • Romans 8:15 – For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by who we cry out “Abba, Father” (Daddy, God!). 

This is where our focus needs to be.  The more we focus on “who we are”, “what belongs to us” and “who we belong to”, our lives will change and be transformed.  We will see ourselves and become conformed to His Image!

Let’s look at how Christ Identified with us so we could identify with Him:

  • He was rejected so we could become accepted.
  • He was smitten of God, so we could be embraced by God.
  • He bruised for us, so we could be made whole.
  • He was separated from the Father, so we could be in union with God.
  • He was made sin, so we could be made righteous.
  • He was made sick, so we could be made healthy.
  • He was made poor, so we could prosper.
  • He fully took  the judgment we deserved; to redeem us of all sin and not be judged.
  • He poured out His love, so we can receive and share His love.
  • He laid down His life, so that we can have life and have it more abundantly.

Hosea 4:6 says  My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.  2 Peter says  According as His divine power has given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that called us to glory and virtue.

If Satan can keep a Christian ignorant or in unbelief about who they have become and their rights as a child of the King, he can keep you in an identity crisis even though you are now a brand new creation in Christ.


Father, thank you for making us new creations in Christ with a brand-new nature inside us so that we can approach your Throne of Grace with boldness knowing that we belong to you to have full access and relationship with you.  As we allow these eternal words of life to sink into our hearts, we pray for Your wisdom and answers to be made manifest in the true reality of who we are in Christ.

Remember, you are Loved, you are Righteous, and you are His!

7 thoughts on “Do You Really Know Who You Are?”

  1. Thank you dear Colleen. I was listening to Chad Gonzalez last night and he was saying the very same thing. I pray I can get this down into my soul where I truly believe it. God bless you and David and your ministry. With love from Colleen in Massachusetts

  2. Thank you so much Colleen for this awesome reminder of who we are and what we possess as new creations in Christ Jesus! We are so blessed and have everything we need to be triumphant!❤️

  3. Would knowing our identity and what we have been given because of Christ’s sacrifice, be the most foundational, the most critical revelation necessary to represent Jesus in our world?
    And not only knowing it, but standing firm in it.
    Long question, short answer..Yes I think so.
    Thank you Colleen.


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