He Is Everything You Need!

Happy and Healthy Monday to you!  I hope you like this title, because it is the truth, He is everything we need!  Let’s dig in…

If there was ever a verse in the Bible that shows Jesus as our everything, this is definitely one that reveals who He is and what He became for you and me.

1 Corinthians 1:30

30 But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption

We are going to look at these 4 things that Jesus became for us:

This passage beautifully outlines core aspects of our Christian faith, emphasizing the gifts and truths we receive through our relationship with God. Here’s a summary of each concept in this verse:

Wisdom from God

  • Spiritual Wisdom: God provides guidance for every situation in our life. His wisdom teaches us how to apply His directions and navigate our circumstances effectively.


  • The State of Being Acceptable to God: Our righteousness comes from Jesus’ sacrifice, not our own actions. This assurance allows us to confidently embrace God’s promises, knowing we are accepted in Christ, the Beloved.


  • Set Apart for God: Through His sacrifice, we are consecrated and purified. Though we live in this world, we are not of it; we belong to Him, and He desires our hearts and lives to reflect His nature.


  • Freedom Through Christ: We are liberated and forgiven through Christ’s blood, which delivered us from the power of sin and death, fulfilling the promise of Romans 8:2.
    • For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.

These truths remind us of our identity in Christ and the transformative power of His love and grace in our lives. Thank you, Jesus, for these gifts!

John 8:32  And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

This verse is a powerful reminder of the liberating power of truth. In knowing Jesus, we discover freedom from sin, sickness, fear, and the burdens of life. His truth equips us to live authentically and fully, providing everything we need for our life’s journey.

When we embrace this truth, we find that it shapes our identity, guiding our decisions and giving us peace. Jesus truly is our everything, our source of strength, wisdom, and hope. Let this truth resonate in your heart, affirming that in Him, you lack nothing!

Remember, you are Loved, you are Righteous, and you are His!

6 thoughts on “He Is Everything You Need!”

  1. Fabulous powerful teaching Colleen thank you and for making it so easy and clear to follow didn’t Jesus say His Yolk is easy!
    Thank you


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