Are You Limiting God In Your Life?

Greetings this beautiful Monday morning. I have a question for you today.

How many times in our lives have we forgotten what God has already done for us?  If you’re like I was, I forgot too many times.  The verse we are looking at today is a quite amazing scripture, how is it that “we” could limit God in our lives? 

Psalm 78: 41-42

41 Yes, again and again they tempted God,
And limited the Holy One of Israel.
42 They did not remember His power:
The day when He redeemed them from the enemy

22 Because they did not believe in God,
And did not trust in His salvation

Well, He spells it out in this Psalm. There were several ways that the children of Israel did this.  But what I want to focus on these 3 things:

  • They wanted to turn back from all that God had showed them because it got difficult.  But time after time, he rescued them, fed them, kept them sheltered, protected them and had His Presence with them always. 

The Psalmist tells us They limited the Holy One of Israel” – how did they do that?  The word “limit” here means – pain, wound, trouble, cause pain, to grieve – to limit, to set marks or limits.  In other words, they caused God a lot of grief and limited what He wanted to do to bless their lives and the lives of their children. 

Instead of thanking Him for all He had and was continuing to do, they griped and complained about almost everything.  One time they even said, sarcastically, I might add “Can God prepare a table in the wilderness? Can He give bread also? Can He provide meat for His people?” 

  • They chose not to remember His power, or the day He redeemed them from the enemy.  Boy, this is another big one here.  Have we ever forgotten what God did for us the day we received salvation and was freed once and for all from our enemy? 

This week let’s turn our thinking around back to what we know He has done for us and is doing now on our behalf. Romans 8:31 tells us –  What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?  

I’ll end with this:

  • Because they did not believe in God and did not trust in His salvation

Choose to believe what God says He will do, because you believe who God says He is.  We can always trust the salvation that Jesus provided us over 2,000 years ago and that  salvation is for eternity. Be thankful, remember His Goodness, remember His promises, that He never breaks His Word.    Let’s remember that He ransomed, redeemed, rescued, and delivered us from our enemy forever!  So, Dream with God and let Him do in your life all that He destined you to do from before the foundations of this world. 

Remember, you are Loved, you are Righteous, and you are His!


5 thoughts on “Are You Limiting God In Your Life?”

  1. Colleen , I remember in 1999 I was filled with God’s overflowing love . I remember it. I loved everyone and everything . Things in my life wasn’t always good ,but God’s love was amazing and I could hear his voice from my Spirit . When I turned from God in 2011 and came back I felt like I did such terrible things . Everyday I try to remember his love .

  2. Thank you Colleen. I need to remember how much He loves me and has done for me. The daily physical pain distracts me from thinking about His blessings. Happy to be reminded of His love. You are a blessing too 🙏


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