Is There Anything Too Hard For The Lord?

Good Monday morning friends!  I love this title to today’s devotional.  Many people think that is a loaded question, because if we are honest, thoughts have come “well, maybe some things are too hard for the Lord” because I have not seen it, or I have not experienced it. 

This is nothing more than thoughts, ideas, and subtle suggestions from the enemy to get us to doubt how powerful He really is.  It all started in the Garden of Eden with “hath God really said?” The perfect place, with perfect people, with perfect hearts and a perfect relationship with God, their Creator.  They soon found out that God really did say and He meant what He said. 

We do not live in a perfect world (garden) anymore, but as a born-again child of God, you have a perfect spirit now on the inside of you that has a perfect relationship with our Creator, who is now our Father!  That is amazing.  So, if Adam and Eve could be tricked to think that God is not all He says He is, then you and I can too.  I want to encourage you today, that God is exactly who He says He is, and no matter what you are believing for, It is Not Too Hard For Him!

Genesis 18:14 Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.”  Think about this, Sarah laughed at what God said, but she still received the promise of a child.  God did what He said.

Jeremiah 32:26-27 Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, saying, 27 “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?  In this instance, God was telling Jeremiah to tell the people what God had said and warned them about, He was going to do it.   God knows what we need and what is going on in our lives, He only wants simple trust in His faithfulness to do what He says. 

Jeremiah 32:17 17 ‘Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too [c]hard for You. 

The verse above is Jeremiah making a bold statement because of what God had said previously.  Jeremiah 32:15  15 For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: “Houses and fields and vineyards shall be possessed again in this land.”

Luke 1:37 37 For with God nothing will be impossible.”  The Angel was stating that Elizabeth who was barren and now was old.   Listen to Mary’s response to the Angel who just told her that she would get pregnant with the Son of the Highest without a man. Vs. 38  “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.”

You know, this can be our response to whatever the Holy Spirit is showing us in the Word.  Go ahead and say it right now.  “BE IT UNTO ME ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD!  Didn’t that just seem right in your heart? 

I want to end with this – God’s Word is forever settled in Heaven.  This means it’s not going anywhere; no one can get rid of it.  Settled = establish, (make to) stand up, upright), best state.

Isaiah 55:11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me [c]void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

I would recommend reading Isaiah 55: 10-11 for more context. 

So, is there anything too hard for the Lord?  The answer is a resounding NO.  God’s goodness, faithfulness and the performance of His Word is everywhere in the Bible, and if you look, you will see it in your life also. 

Remember, you are Loved, you are Righteous, and you are His!

9 thoughts on “Is There Anything Too Hard For The Lord?”

  1. Thank you for your ministry Colleen. I really needed to hear this today. You are such a blessing to me…Colleen in Massachusetts

  2. This is exactly what i needed today! Right now!!
    My son in law forbids us to see our grand children!!:I miss them so much!! Thank you so much!! I’m so encouraged ! Thank you! Praise the Lord!!!

  3. This message was such an awesome Monday morning “read”! Thank you sooo much for all the time and prayer that you put forth to bring this all to us!

  4. Thank you for sharing this amazing Word today!! I actually have this exact verse written on a chalkboard in my kitchen as a daily reminder for me and my family and anyone who enters!
    Gods is so so good!!:)

  5. Thank you for sharing this powerful message. It has encouraged me tremendously to not lose hope on the God of the impossible. I have been standing for the manifestation of my healing. Thank you for your prayers and willingness to teach the Word of God to us. Blessings to you and David.

  6. This is encouraging. My Mom is in a nursing home and she is so unhappy there. She wants to go home so bad. We want her healed and able to walk so she can go home. Nothing is too hard for the Lord.


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