God’s Life Jacket!

Happy Monday morning to you. The title of this Monday morning post is very dear to my heart, because it is part of a Word from the Lord for me. Have you every gone boating and had to put on a “life jacket” ? We do this especially for those that either don’t know how to swim or not very good swimmers in case something should happen. Let’s see how God uses a life jacket for you and me.

I’m sure that we have all had wrong thoughts about God and about our life. From a very young age the enemy attempts to steal anything positive away from us. When we think we are doing good, he tries to show us the opposite. Can I get a witness here?

This is exactly what happened to me. I did not grow up in a loving and caring environment as a child or even as a young adult. It was chaos; experiencing anger, disfunction, slander and emotional hurt. I did’t know it at the time, that this was not how God wanted us to live, I just thought it was normal.. But… that is not normal living.

My mind/thoughts became so messed up that God called them “going down dark alleys“. Isn’t that interesting. I can’t share it all here on this one post, but He called out that my mind tended to go down “dark alleys” and that it causes things that are depressing and hopeless! Have you ever felt that way? But, here’s the good news, He also spoke His words of life to me and He is speaking them to you also.

As you start heading down that way, capture those thoughts, arrest those thoughts and don’t let yourself continue down that path, instead of going down the dark alleys, give yourself the thoughts ,the verses, that are going to be the opposite of that. Put those thoughts in your mind… there is more to what He said, but after He spoke many things to me, He said; His Words would rescue me like a Life Jacket around my thoughts and it will bobb me up instead of being dragged down into the bottom dwellers stuff!

God, The Father

Today, if you feel like you can’t take control over your thoughts, take heart and take these words from the Father as yours. His Word is YOUR Life Jacket to freedom, healing, wholeness and love in every area of your life. Meditate on this verse this week:

10 For though the mountains should depart and the hills be shaken or removed, yet My love and kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace and completeness be removed, says the Lord, Who has compassion on you.

Isaiah 54:10 AMPC

Remember, you are Loved, you are Righteous, and your are His!

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