Jesus Said “Be Of Good Cheer”

Good Monday morning to you all! 

Today, I want to show you how many times Jesus said, “be of good cheer” and what came after those powerful words. 

What does “be of good cheer” even mean?  Well, let me tell you, it’s so good! 

  • Be of good courage
  • Be of good comfort
  • Be of good cheer
  • To have courage

8 times Jesus made this statement, only one of those was repeated in two different Gospels about the same healing.  If we look in the Old Testament, be of good courage, or be strong and of good courage was always associated with God encouraging the children of Israel to go forth, to conquer and to know that their enemy was already defeated.  

This is what “be of good cheer” means for you and me in the New Testament and the outcome of acting on this word.

  • Matthew 9:22 – daughter, your faith has made you well
  • Luke 8:48 – daughter, your faith has made you well
  • Matthew 9:2 – Your sins are forgiven, and the paralytic was healed
  • Matthew 14:27 – It is I, do not be afraid
  • Mark 6:50 – It is I, do not be afraid
  • Mark 10:49 – Rise, He is calling you and the blind man was healed
  • John 16:33 – I have overcome the world
  • Acts 23:11- for you must testify of me.  Then Paul declared I believe God, that it will be just as it was told me.”

I love that Jesus tells us to “Be of Good Cheer”, not “well, I don’t know how this is going to work out”.  All we have to do is look at John 16:33 –

33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you [a]will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

There is nothing that comes against us that Jesus has not already overcome! Wow, we need to get this established in our hearts, that nothing is stronger than the cross, the blood of Jesus, the death, burial and resurrection of the Son of God!  NOTHING AT ALL!

Every time He said be of good cheer, people were healed, raised up, made to see and fear removed.  Boy, do I like that. Since Jesus has Overcome the world, then He has overcome everything that is in the world. 

Let me end with this:  Be Strong and of Good Courage has this meaning for you. 

  • To be strong, alert, courageous, brave, stout, bold, solid, hard. 
  • Be alert physically or mentally in courage, to be steadfastly minded
  • To strengthen, make firm, harden, assure, to withstand
  • To be determined, persist in, prove superior to
  • To exhibit strength, be strong, feel strong

Brothers and sisters, we have allowed the circumstances of life to make us think that this fallen world is stronger than God.  It’s Not, and never will be! Every time the children of Israel thought that way, they were defeated before they even got started.  Oh, but when they believed they were strong and of good courage, and were of good cheer, they were overcomers in every way. 

This week let’s get an image of ourselves being strong, courageous, bold, steadfastly minded, firm, determined and persistent in believing what has already been done for us and live our lives as God planned for us to.  How powerful God sees us! Now, if we will see ourselves the way He does, we will walk in all the strength and courage we already have!

Remember, you are Loved, you are Righteous, and you are His!

6 thoughts on “Jesus Said “Be Of Good Cheer””

  1. Thank you for sharing this awesome encouragement Colleen! Believing what God has already done for me and living my life as God has planned for me to live. This is what I have been meditating on and I appreciate the encouragement. Blessings to you!

  2. Thank you, Colleen, I can be of “good cheer” because Jesus has overcome anything this world would offer me. No thank you! Thank you for the reminder. God bless your day!

  3. Colleen , Tuesday night you were reading 1Peter 5:7-9 amp when you said YOU something happened . It hit me hard . When I was telling someone everytime you said YOU, it was like God was speaking directly to me . They told me that was the Rema word of God coming alive in my heart . Thank you also for this message of Good cheer . Some times it is hard .


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