Healing Is Your Inheritance!

Happy Monday Friends.

 “Healing is your inheritance”.  Are we sons or are we beggars?  I really believe that as we read these words  with our hearts open, we will see some things that perhaps we haven’t seen before. 

Let me ask you this question, If you were sent a certified letter from an attorney that read you received a $100k as your inheritance, but when you went to pick it up, you were told you can’t have it, what would you do?  Would you walk away with your head down and question God as to why He isn’t helping you? 

That would be ridiculous! You would get someone in charge and show them your certified letter and demand they give you your inheritance.  You wouldn’t go to the attorney who sent you the letter to get him to do something, he would tell you it’s yours it’s in the bank under your name.  All you must do is show them the letter as your identification and get it.  You wouldn’t stop until you got your inheritance, what belongs to you.

But somehow when it comes to healing or deliverance or anything else that is rightfully belonging to us, we cave in as soon as our bodies don’t line up right away or the devil whispers “it didn’t work” or “you’re not healed”.  What do you think he is going to say to you?  He will always attempt to lie to you and tell you the opposite of what is true.

My analogy about the inheritance really highlights the core issue. Understanding whether we are “sons” or “beggars” changes our understanding about our relationship with God and our perception of our rights and entitlements in the spiritual realm.

Why does all this matter?

Our Identity and Authority –  If we see ourselves as sons and daughters of God, it implies that we have a rightful place in His family, with access to all the blessings and promises He has made. This includes healing, which is part of what Jesus paid for through His sacrifice at the cross. Knowing our identity as children of God means we approach our inheritance with confidence and authority, just as you would approach claiming your financial inheritance with certainty.

 Our Response to Obstacles – In my analogy, if you were denied access to your inheritance, you wouldn’t  accept the rejection passively. In the same way, when we face obstacles in receiving what God has promised, knowing we are His children compels us to stand firm and insist on what is ours, rather than doubting or walking away. We would confront the situation with the same determination and authority as if we were proving our entitlement to an inheritance.

It’s so important that we understand this truth and stand firm on it, especially when faced with challenges or the lies of the enemy. The devil will always try to steal, kill, and destroy, but we can resist him by knowing who we are in Christ and boldly claiming our inheritance.

In essence, understanding our position as sons and daughters’ changes everything about how we interact with God and how we expect to receive His blessings. It transforms our approach from one of uncertainty to one of assured expectation and manifesting what has been promised to us.

Believing we are sons and daughters means we trust that God’s will is for us to receive what Jesus paid for. This trust shapes our prayers, our faith, and our actions. We recognize that God’s Words are not just for a select few but are available to all His children.

This is why knowing the difference between being a son or a beggar is so crucial. It empowers us to walk confidently in our identity and authority as believers, rather than living in doubt, fear, or insecurity. We can experience the abundant life Jesus died to give us, and we can face any challenge or adversity with the assurance that we are not alone but are backed by the full resources of our heavenly Father.

Scriptures:  Ephesians 1:5 / Ephesians 1:11 / Ephesians 1:18 / Ephesians 1:6 / Galatians 4:7-8 /Colossians 1:12 / Romans 8:15 / Romans 8:16

Remember, you are Loved, you are Righteous, and you are His!

9 thoughts on “Healing Is Your Inheritance!”

  1. Wow, knowing who you are in Christ really makes all the difference between settling for less or knowing that it’s all ours to take and not let go of!
    Thank you Colleen for making it so clear!

  2. My dear sister Colleen. This hit home with me. I know your words are truth. I waver too much because of all the symptoms. May our Lord Jesus help me to keep your words in my heart and mind. Sending love from Colleen in Massachusetts

  3. Thank you for this truth!! Really struggling and really needed to hear this Word of God🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️Bless you sweet Sister Colleen🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️


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