Happy Monday Morning Friends!
This morning let’s look at 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
Everyone has strongholds in their minds at one time or another in their life. These get built up many times from childhood in the way we think and how we were brought up. It becomes our “philosophy”, even though Christians don’t like that word. It is our mindset, how we view the world, and our life around us. I wish I would have understood what strongholds were and how they can affect you much earlier in my Christian walk, it would have helped me to avoid some really bad mistakes.
Thank God, He knows how to help us when we humble ourselves and ask for revelation (understanding) of His word.
A stronghold can be strengthened or pulled down. This verse here is talking about tearing down wrong strongholds we have which are thoughts contrary to God’s thoughts and ways of living.
A stronghold is defined as a: a castle, fortress, something that is hard to take down or remove. The weapons that God has given us are mighty and powerful to pull (or tear) down these arguments or reasonings against God’s words (thoughts). Through His word we can pull down the lies of the enemy.
What lies is the devil telling you that doesn’t line up with the Word of God? You can “cast down” (use force, pull down, demolish these reasonings of your opponent and destroy “high imaginations” of those lies.
When these lies try to exalt themselves, what do we do? We take the Word, meditate on it, speak it, pray over that word, and allow the word of God to put them down. You see it’s His Truth (the weapons of our warfare) that does the work, we are just cooperating with it.
The fruit (victory) is in the seed of the word and will produce if we cooperate. Only God’s Truth is strong enough to pull down these strongholds, arguments, and high things that the enemy uses to lie to us about. Today meditate on this and ask the Holy Spirit “how do I cooperate with what you are showing me?” and listen for His direction. He will show you.
Remember, you are Loved, You are Righteous, and you are His!
Colleen!! I literally was just praying what you said to pray then opened up your email.
Fear is the stronghold thats had me bound for two years almost, post injury. Today I was saying perfect love cast out fear and I was wondering how long that would take and I was thinking. How do I do this and then all of a sudden I realized that I don’t have to be perfect to make the verse work right now. God loves me and I don’t have to make him love me. I don’t have to be perfect with my actions to be loved and if I do then that person doesn’t really love me, so I just agreed that God was going to cast out fear today and I’m gonna stand by that because I know he has and the sensations in my body are meaningless because that’s all they are ,,,,because I’m not gonna agree with fear
and your email just now was a confirmation of that because I just talked about a stronghold to God and what did I need to do about it? Thank you Colleen and David.
Please pray in agreement with me that today fear is gone.
So very helpful! Thank you Colleen!❤️
I needed this right now, thanks Colleen. And thank You, Father, for this reminder
Satan never tires from hauling all those bricks and lumber around to strengthen his strong holds.Likewise neither can we.Thanks Colleen.
So true my sister. I have had these strongholds since childhood. They do become a way of life. Thank you for your encouragement to bring them into submission by The Word of God! Love you 😍