An Expectation Of Good!

Peace to you this Monday morning! Are you expecting a week of peace, or something else?  The title of this week’s message is about expectation.  I want us to open the bible to see all the “good” that God desires for us.  I want to start out with a very familiar scripture, but if you’ll take the time let this sink into your heart, it will change your expectation to good from whatever else it was. 

When God prophesied this, Israel was in captivity to Babylon, it didn’t look like they had a future, much less a good one, but God wanted them to know this was not their future, that He had a plan for them and that it was. Good.

Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.


For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.


I, the Lord, tell you this: I have decided what I will do for you. I have plans to help you to do well. I do not want to hurt you. I want to give you hope for a good life in the future.


For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for well-being, and not for calamity, in order to give you a future and a hope.


For I know full well the plans I have for you, plans for your welfare and not for your misfortune, plans that will offer you a future filled with hope.

You may be going through something right now, and it doesn’t look good.  Right in the midst of trouble and problems, God speaks life to us and reminds us of His Word, of His Goodness and of His Plans.  Even in captivity, God brought His Light, hope and and expectation of good to His people. 

You and I are already in the light and goodness of God, we are in the “Good Plan” that God has for us, because we are in Christ.   

1Peter 2:9  (Phillips) But you are God’s “chosen generation”, his “royal priesthood”, his “holy nation”, his “peculiar people”—all the old titles of God’s people now belong to you. It is for you now to demonstrate the goodness of him who has called you out of darkness into his amazing light. In the past you were not “a people” at all: now you are the people of God. In the past you had no experience of his mercy, but now it is intimately yours.

Brothers and sisters, meditate on these words today and this week and let them bring light, hope, peace, and goodness to your heart and situation.  He is for you, never against you, He loves you, and He wants His plans to come to pass for you.  

Psalm 107:21 Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness,
And for His wonderful works to the children of men!

Let’s give thanks to Lord for all the good He has shown us, for the good He is showing us now, and for the goodness He will show us in the future and forever!

Remember, you are Loved, you are Righteous, and you are His!

7 thoughts on “An Expectation Of Good!”

  1. What a great Word. Yes, He has so much good. And Its time to know it in our hearts. Faith to receive it, and He wants me to receive it. God Bless you and David and all readers of your blog. Love you guys. Deb

  2. Oh my dear Colleen how timely is this simple yet profound reminder of God’s goodness! If I focus on the mundane of the day that seems to loom so deceptively over me and forget Who is inside of me, I’m doomed. Change your focus Terri! GOD IS FOR YOU!
    Thank you Colleen..❤️ the pic of the little boy reading his Bible!

  3. Thank you again for such an encouraging word. Though the pain is sometimes overwhelming, I know it’s not from my abba father. He is always watching over His Word to perform it in my life. God bless you and your husband.

  4. My dear friend and sister Colleen. Such a strong reminder of God’s love for us. Though I have been discouraged because of the pain in my body I need to focus on His love. Thank you for your ministry! Colleen in Massachusetts

  5. Thank you Colleen, this scripture Jeremiah 29:11 was given to me when I was being prayed for healing against cancer. God also told me that he has spoken life over me exactly what your message said. This word you have given is such a blessing because it has reminded me of what the LORD told me and has encouraged me again at a time I really needed to hear it and has brought great joy to my heart. I know this word is for me and I will put it in my quiet time journal. I pray that the Holy Spirit continues to lead you has you walk hand in hand with Him. God richly bless you. 🙌 😊


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