You Have Life

Greetings to you all this beautiful Monday morning!  Today, I want to remind us that we have life, and not just human life, but a life that is everlasting that affects every part of our being. 

Did you know we can have 2 different outcomes in this life we live on earth?

  • Carnal/natural man – or physical man lives here in a natural world.
  • Spiritual/New Creation man – our spirit man lives in the Kingdom of God’s dear Son.

God is such a good God, that He gives us the choice of where we want to live, naturally or spiritually.  He’s given us everything we need to live spiritually like Him.  (Deuteronomy 30:19)

When we choose to just live by our natural senses only, we get stuck in the accusation of “see” your not ……. Healed, healthy, free, prosperous, etc.  You can insert whatever the circumstance might me.  Or, we can have our senses exercised to discern “both” good and evil.  We can discipline our senses to “see” what is good, what God says is good.  (Hebrews 5:14)

Romans 8  tells us that “there are no prison bars holding us in any situation.

  • Romans 8: 2 NTFE Why not? Because the law of the spirit of life in the Messiah, Jesus, released you from the law of sin and death.
  • Romans 8:2 VOICE – because when you live in the Anointed One, Jesus, a new law takes effect. The law of the Spirit of life breathes into you and liberates you from the law of sin and death.

The spiritual man sees life from God’s perspective. This spiritual man sees life where their used to be death, we can see health where there used to be sickness, we can see tranquility/peace where there was turmoil and anxiety, we can see more than enough where there was lack and not enough. 

We have been released and liberated from darkness to life through the cross of Christ, so our heart and ears can be turned on and tuned in to the frequency of Heaven. 

The law of the Spirit of life was placed in you and I at the New Birth.  The law of sin and death was dealt with at the Cross.  So, when said yes to Jesus and became a New Creation, sin and death left.  We are no longer subject to that law anymore. 

So, walk out of whatever prison the enemy has told you that you’re in, because you are FREE.  There are no prison bars holding you in any situation.  So, you choose the life you have been given and listen to what the Word of God is saying to you.

Remember, you are Loved, you are Righteous, and you are His!

10 thoughts on “You Have Life”

  1. Before I even start my Monday morning, I am fortified and blessed with these glorious truths!
    Thank you Colleen!❤️

  2. Much to meditate on here and plant in my heart. The law of sin and death has been nailed to the cross……we have been set free from the law of sin and death….not subject to this law ever again! Thank you Colleen!

  3. Thank you Colleen for the reminder that we have set free from the law of sin and death. I choose the Life of Christ in me! So good!

  4. Amen Colleen. I need to get this message into my soul and trust that my God’s grace is enough for me to live a victorious life here on earth! Love you my dear sister.

  5. Good morning Colleen so many choices/thoughts bombard us the moment we wake up.. you are right it takes discipline to harness the “to do’s,” deadlines, lists… and we can.
    It’s a choice to sit with Him over and over, forms a habit. Thank you so much for this good word PLUS this space to comment and reflect.


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