
Subscribe To Our Monday Morning Posts

Our Story - How It All Started!

It all started when I heard these words; “Monday Morning Message”.  I asked the Lord what this means.  Am I going to hear from you on Monday Morning? Is someone going to give me a message from you on Monday morning, or am I supposed to give someone a message on Monday morning?  What does this mean?

As I kept pondering on this phrase, “Monday Morning Message”, I sensed the Holy Spirit tell me “I want you to do a message every Monday morning and then post it on Social Media.

Well, I did what many have done before me, I began to think why would You want me to do this?  Who will listen to me, plus no one even knows who I am!

Can we dare to believe that God has so much more for us than we could ever imagine?  Yes, we can!

The Holy Spirit knows what we need when we need it.  He is always leading, guiding, and teaching us, but are we really listening?

This collection of posts given specifically for Monday Mornings is meant to begin our week with encouragement and, bring us to a place where we just talk to Him and fellowship with Him. The Lord said that sometimes we don’t stay long enough on subject and by doing a weekly message, we are truly taking  the time to meditate on what He is saying to us.

There is so much He wants to share with you, so much He wants to show you about who your Father is and what Jesus has already done for you and the true mission of the Holy Spirit is in our life.

Life can have so many distractions that if we’re not careful, our minds can stay broken or dislocated, meaning it’s not renewed to the new Creation that we are in Christ.

He is asking “Will you come and sit with Me for a while?”  There was a time when I would have questioned that and talked myself right out of it, thinking “that couldn’t be God talking to me, why would He want to sit with me”?

The answer is He loves me, and He loves you and He knows until we get to know Him like He knows us, we won’t believe it with all our heart.

My prayer for you is that these weekly messages from the Holy Spirit will enlighten and flood your heart with light (Ephesians 1:17) and restore and make new our broken and dislocated way of thinking into a strong belief in the Truth and Integrity of God’s Word, that as we think on things above and not on things on this earth (Colossians 3:1-2) our eternal realities will be just as real to us as they are to the Father.

Press in, give attention to all the Word is showing you (Proverbs 4:20-22) and you will hear the Holy Spirit talking to you, leading you in the way you should go.

He loves us beyond our wildest imaginations (Ephesians 3:20). These devotional posts are all about falling in love with Him.  I believe it’s already happening in your heart right now.  This is why I end all my devotions with:

“You are Loved, you are Righteous, and you are His!

David & Colleen Iammarino